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Your Vote is Your Voice

Thirty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution (Dissolution of Marriage) Bill 2016.

The proposal was about two issues relating to divorce, namely how long people must be living apart before applying for a divorce, and the recognition of foreign divorces. There was one question on the ballot paper and voters could either vote Yes to allow both changes, or No to reject both changes.  

The proposed amendment to the Constitution was put to the people on Friday 24 May 2019. The proposal was passed by the people.

Independent Guide

An Independent Guide was published in booklet form and distributed to all homes in the state. This guide contains a short description of the proposal.

The Commission also published an independent guide for people with an intellectual disability. This guide was produced by the Referendum Commission in collaboration with Down Syndrome Ireland.

The Report

You can read the Referendum Commission’s report on the referendum on the regulation of divorce here.

Referendum FAQs

Referendum proposal

Living apart period

Foreign divorce

The Constitution and current law

Sample of the Commission’s information campaign

A selection of radio interviews with the Chairperson of the Referendum Commission from this information campaign.

Outdoor advertisement – Co. Cork

Co. Donegal