Constituency Review Submission from Cllr Ben Dalton O’Sullivan
Cllr Ben Dalton O’Sullivan
Submission ID: S03
Cork South-Central
From: Cllr Ben Dalton O’Sullivan
Sent: Friday 10 February 2023 10:34
To: ELC ConstituencyReview
Subject: Cork
To whom it concerns,
I wish to make a submission in relation to the Dail boundary of Cork South Central.
Cork is steadily growing and rural areas within the Cork South Central constituency are steadily
growing with new families, links to the larger towns and development of local infrastructure.
However, as a councillor in the Carrigaline Municipal District of Cork County Council, I note
one discrepancy.
The Cork South West polling stations of Goggins Hill National School 1, Goggins Hill National
School 2 and Ballyheada National School are apart of the South West Constituency. However,
they are more locally linked to the Carrigaline Municipal District and Cork South Central.
It would take one 2.5 to 3 hours to travel from one length of the CSW constituency to the other.
On the other hand, it would take approx 30 mins to travel across the CSC constituency from most
westerly location to most easterly location.
I am proposing that the polling stations of Goggins Hill NS 1 &2 and Ballyheada NS be moved
fo Cork South Central.
The community in these areas are a part of the Ballinhassig parish (which is in CSC), similarly,
their local village of Ballinhassig is CSC and they shop locally at supermarkets within CSC. The
community of the above polling stations are apart of the day to day life of Cork South Central,
but have no vote there and no connection to the greater Cork SW constituency,
I am contactable to discuss this further.
Cllr. Ben Dalton O’Sullivan