Constituency Review Submission from Pat Lynch
Pat Lynch
Submission ID: S62
National Issues
From: Pat
Sent: Sunday 23 April 2023 20:23
To: ELC ConstituencyReview
Subject: Quality of candidates
To address the Quality of candidates we must look at the performance of the one’s that are part of the present government.
Most of the point made by especially independents should be discussed at local council. They discuss local matters about one individual case.
At times they are going over the heads of local authorities. In doing this they are looking to be rewarded by a certain sector of society.
They are highlighting that local government are not addressing local matters. They undermine the staff of our local authority and render them useless.
This undermining is done in other sector of our civil service by political interference. Civil servants
should be allowed to carry out their work free from this.
The attendance of our td’s needs to be looked at, they should be fully committed to using the time in the dail to discuss important issues.
To ensure they are asking a vital question and one that is very relevant, there question should be
submitted before hand to be examined.
The election process has to change, in most cases they are not representing the views of the people.
At local level they are using the local authority to gain votes from sectors of society that have large
At times this interference has an impact on communities and causes mental health problems for all ages. They are not accountable for such actions and staff in the local authority and policing are expected to deal with this.
In most cases local councillors are nominated because of who they are, not what they can achieve.
Our td’s are working with wealthy business people to generate wealth for all involved.
If this means giving state land to developers, inviting vulture funds, selling off state company.
As with the national maternity hospital gifting tax payers money to build this hospital, that will be own by a religious order.
Deals like this are going on daily and in the past it was called daylight robbery, we are to expect this as a norm.
Do the people of this country need more of these highly paid people, the answerer is no.
The hard working tax payers of this country should be seeing the rewards and a bright future for their family.
Instead they see their money been used to make profits for the rich and an extra income for our
politicians at local and national level.