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Your Vote is Your Voice

04 September, 2024 – An Coimisiún Toghcháin, Ireland’s independent electoral commission, has today published its first ever Post Electoral Event Review (PEER) focusing on the referendums on Family and Care held on 8 March 2024. The report makes eight recommendations which focus on polling accessibility, training and information.

The PEER Report is based on in-person observations carried out by An Coimisiún Toghcháin teams in 98 polling stations across every county on 8 March. The PEER allows An Coimisiún to identify areas for improvement in the conduct of electoral events particular in relation to enhancing participation and accessibility.

The PEER Report, laid today by An Coimisiún before the Houses of the Oireachtas, alongside the Commission’s Strategy Statement for 2024-2026 recommends that the State:

• Revise and expand the accessibility standards for polling stations in an
updated Accessibility Checklist.
• Assign an Accessibility Rating to all polling stations which is easy for electors
to check in advance of voting.
• Review all voting materials with a view to providing a wider range of accessible formats.
• Make available to the public the guidance manuals issued to returning and
presiding officers, omitting any confidential operational data.
• Provide standardised training to all polling station staff, with a special focus
on ensuring ballot papers are properly stamped.
• Ensure staff in polling stations are appropriately trained to assist electors
with a range of disabilities, including non-physical disabilities.
• Publish a guidance manual for electors to explain the facilities
and voting aids available at polling stations.
• Amend electoral legislation to expressly provide for the attendance of An
Coimisiún staff and members at polling stations and count centres for all
electoral events.

The PEER review utilised election observation principles in line with OSCE and EU practices. An Coimisiún based the polling stations chosen for observation on census data focused on disabled voters and voters with caring responsibilities, on Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage reporting of inaccessible polling stations, and on local turnout levels at previous electoral events.
A further PEER process was also carried out for the 7 June local, European and Limerick Mayoral elections, building on the 8 March process. The report of the June PEER is now being compiled and will be published later this year.

Art O’Leary, Chief Executive of An Coimisiún Toghcháin stated:

“The 8 March Referendums marked a new era for Ireland’s democracy. For the first time ever there was independent domestic observation of voting by teams from An Coimisiún Toghcháin in polling stations nationwide.

“Our objective was to identify and document areas within the voting process for improvement. We will continue this work for each and every election and report publically after each vote to share our recommendations.

“Our thanks again to returning officers, polling staff and to the voters who facilitated our work in observing the polling.”

Referring to the Strategy Statement 2024-2026 of An Coimisiún Toghcháin, also laid before the Oireachtas today, Art O’Leary stated:

“This Strategy Statement is a key roadmap for our first phase of work and in the establishment An Coimisiún as Ireland’s independent electoral commission. We have a once in-a-generation opportunity to enhance public understanding and participation in the democratic process and to deal with any new challenges which may arise.”


For further information, please contact:
Brian Dawson, Communications and Public Engagement Manager,
An Coimisiún Toghcháin, The Electoral Commission,
086 0749344


Editor’s Note:

The Post Electoral Event Review Report on the 8 March Referendums on Family and Care is available at the following links:

English version

Leagán gaeilge

This PEER Report is published under Section 68 of the Electoral Reform Act which provides for such reviews and is a report on the administration of the electoral event concerned.  

In July 2024, in line with its statutory referendum functions under Section 39 of the Electoral Reform Act, An Coimisiún submitted its report to the Oireachtas Committee on how it had carried out its own functions during the campaign period.

An Coimisiún Toghcháin’s Strategy Statement 2024-2026 is available at the following links:

An Coimisiún Toghcháin, The Electoral Commission

An Coimisiún Toghcháin is a statutory, independent body, established on 9 February 2023 with responsibility for a broad range of electoral functions set out in the Electoral Reform Act 2022. An Coimisiún is central to Ireland’s electoral system, carrying out a range of existing electoral functions, including:

  • the decision-making, oversight, secretariat and supporting services associated with explaining the subject matter of referendum proposals, the promotion of public awareness of referendums and encouragement of the electorate to vote at referendum polls; and
  • the conducting of reviews and making reports in relation to the constituencies for the election of members to the Dáil and the election of members to the European Parliament.
  • responsibility for the registration of political parties.
  • making reports for the Minister in relation to local electoral boundaries. 

An Coimisiún is also tasked with several new electoral roles, including:

  • the preparation of ex-post reports on the administration of electoral events.
  • preparing research programmes and conducting research on electoral policy and procedure, and providing advice, as required, to the Minister and Government.
  • promoting public awareness of, and working to increase public participation in the State’s electoral and democratic processes through education and information programmes;
  • overseeing the modernised Electoral Register, making recommendations and setting standards in relation to its maintenance and updating;
  • the regulation of online paid-for political advertising, ensuring transparency in respect of online political advertisements during the period of an election or referendum campaign; (Legislation not yet commenced)
  • responsibility for the investigation and monitoring of online disinformation, online misinformation and manipulative or inauthentic behaviour online during election campaign periods, as well as functions to prevent manipulative or inauthentic behaviours online. (Legislation not yet commenced)
  • It is anticipated that the initial set of functions assigned to An Coimisiún will be expanded upon as it builds capacity and expertise.